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JCBHelpdesk Chatbot

What are the Necessary Features to Consider for Users? Redefining Chatbot Usage Scene

JCB had an issue with organizing the necessary functions and UI to implement a help desk chatbot for JCB employees. We create a chat scenario based on use cases from questions and defined a chatbot that would be useful in the actual scene while validating acceptability by user testing.
Solution / Output
ResearchAnalysisUX DesignPoCPrototypeUI DesignVisual DesignFrontend DevelopmentUser Modeling

Discover Helpful Chatbot for the Back-Office

With more than 4,000 JCB employees from different locations, back-office inquiries have become an internal challenge. JCB has operated an in-house portal and provided information to employees but still had constant calls and emails which could disrupt back-office main operations. In order to improve the situation, JCB decided to consider introducing a Helpdesk Chatbot which we need to define “a practical chatbot that are really useful for employees”.

Identify Issues from the Research and Validate with Prototype

We started from an interview with employees at JCB branches and back-office to see the current situation and shape our modeled users in terms of the volume of inquiries and difficulty of the content. We later identified use cases of common inquiries for the users, organized user flow from when an issue occurs to the solution, and design the chat scenarios which cover the scenes of inquiries. in order to confirm acceptability, we tested our prototypes with JCB employees and organized function requirements based on user opinion.

Daily Use Tools with Design

Through interviews and user testing with employees of JCB, we identified the service based on the level that they eager to use it and defined required functions with an easy-to-use UI. Regarding the internal use tool, we needed to understand user work tasks and contexts, and it was important for scenario to match with the requirements. Since the tool is going to be using many times in a working day, We try to make the visual look “not too hard” by giving the element shape a roundness and make it as the simplest design.


JCB Co., Ltd.


Takehiro SUENARI
Yasushi TAKEDA
Wataru SAITO
Kazuki YABE

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